Highlighting the Text Book

One of the issues that came up as I was reading my evaluations at the end of the 2006-2007 academic year concerned the use of the text book. Some students were critical because I did not use the text book enough in the classes.

One way that I have decided to address the issue is by incorporating a new symbol on my web site. This symbol, shown to the left, is the letter “T” and is taken from The Articella, a medieval medical manuscript which is currently housed in the National Library of Medicine. The letter “T” is decorated with a master instructing his students.

Throughout my teaching materials, I intend to insert this image as a way to highlight ways in which the textbook is being connected to course materials. Such an action will accomplish two things.

First, it will help me make sure that I better incorporate the textbook into my classes. But, more importantly, it will force me to explain the relationship of the textbook to a particular assignment.

Second, it will give students a visual cue that will allow them to better see how the textbook is being incorporated into the classroom.

Information about The Articella is available at the National Library of Medicine Website. I am using the letter “T” from the manuscript in compliance with their copyright policy.

    –Steven L. Berg, PhD

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