New Beginnings
During the past few months, I have not been publishing in Etene Sacca-vajjena. One reason is that I have been finishing Promoting Student Transformation at the Community College which will be published by HASTAC before the end of the year. The book is copy edited and moving to production.
The second reason was to give myself time to reflect on the types of issues about what I want to write. I will, of course, continue to write about education. But what will be my focus? I dont want to simply rehash the topics that have been revised and edited into my forthcoming book.
While writing Promoting Student Transformation at the Community College, my brilliant editor pushed me to put more focus on systemic issues. They encouraged me to read Margaret Prices Mad at School as well as other resources. My editors suggestions made the book better and will influence future writing.
In addition to systemic issues, I have become keenly interested in food insecurity and student accommodations. I have addressed both in my previous writing and in my book but believe I have more to contribute to these discussions. I am also interested in addressing the issue of mental health issues as they relate to ourselves, our students, and our colleagues.
Next week, I become president of the Michigan Developmental Education Consortium (MDEC). This means that the topic of developmental education (which, in my worldview, is not identical to remedial education) will command more of my interest.
On a final note, I have decided to change the title for my blog. Etene Sacca-vajjena is a challenge to non-Pail speakers. Therefore, the blogs new title is the English translation of the Pali: By the Speaking of this Truth.
Tomorrow, I will publish my first new essay in the renamed blog.
It is good to be writing again.
Steven L. Berg, PhD
Congratulations Steve –