April 18: Eusebius Becomes Pope

2014-04-18On 18 April 309/310, St. Eusebius became pope of the Roman Catholic Church.

There was no catholic pope quite like St. Eusebius. It’s a pope few would even recognize and his name is not mentioned among the greats. Not much is known of Eusebius’s background either, other that he was the son of a physician and was Greek. They aren’t even sure what year that he became pope, although they have it narrowed down to the year 309 or 310.

One thing that is clear about this saint is that on his inaugural day, April 18th, he immediately faced serious problem with the church. At the time the church was arguing over whether or not readmit their fellow brother who had recently fallen from the faith. St. Eusebius sided with those who were in support of his re-entering if he was able to complete a stiff penance.

Not everyone agreed however and the Novations among others argued that there should be no re-entering under any circumstances. Things got so bad between the sides in this feud that they went as far to elect a rival pope by the name of Heraclius. This erupted into violence and flagged doom for Pope Eusebius. Exasperated, Emperor Maxentius exiled both the pope and the antipope. Eusebius was ordered to Sicily, where he died shortly after.

After the ugly aftermath, no pope was chosen for a year. Finally they named Miltiades the new pope of the Catholic Church. The new pope decided to honor Pope Eusebius by bringing his bones back to Rome for an honorable burial in the Cemetary of Calixtus. Because Eusebius defended the tradition of discipline that he had inherited, and because he died in banishment he was considered both a saint and a martyr.

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2014-04-18Meet the Author

I attend Schoolcraft College and am 18 years old. I am planning on getting my associates degree at Schoolcraft and then transferring to the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.


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