February 8: First Black Major in U.S. Army
On 8 February 1865, Martin R. Delany became the first black major in the U.S. Army.
Martin R. Delany was born free in Virginia to a free mother and an enslaved father. As a child attempts were made to enslave him and a sibling. Delany’s mother carried her two youngest children 20 miles to fight for their freedom based on her own free birth. Delany grew up in Pennsylvania where he and his siblings learned to read and write. During his life Delany was always trying to learn more, and make the best life he could for his family in a white dominate society.
In 1863, Delany began recruiting black men for the Union Army. His raised thousands of enlistees for the newly formed United States Colored Troops. During this time he wrote to the Secretary of War requesting that he make efforts to command all of the effective black men as Agents of the United States. This request was ignored.
In early 1865, Delany was granted an audience with President Abraham Lincoln. Delany proposed that a corps of black men led by black officers could serve to win over Southern blacks. Lincoln was impressed and described Delany as “a most extraordinary and intelligent man.” Delany was commissioned as a major a few weeks later.
Frederick Douglass had made a similar appeal as Delany but was denied. Douglass believed that since black men were fighting in the war that they deserved to have the right to vote. During the war Douglass fought for equality for his people. He also made plans with Lincoln to move the liberated slaves out of the South. Douglass served as a recruiter for the 54th Massachusetts Regiment.
Martin R. Delany seemed to have made many first for African Americans. Delany was also one of the first three black men to be admitted to Harvard Medical School. Although he was later dismissed due to a group of white students who complained about the interests, and welfare of the Institution.
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–Elizabeth Bailey
Photo Caption: Major Martin R. Delany
I am attending Schoolcraft to get me associates in science and to start my bachelors. When I finish at Schoolcraft I plan to transfer to Palmer University College of Chiropractic. As of right now I am a full time student and a full time aunt.
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