June 24: Disney Founder Born

2014-06-04bOn 24 June 1893, Roy Oliver Disney was born. He was the older brother of the more famous Walt Disney.

Roy was the lesser known founder of Walt Disney Productions and was in charge of the finances of the company while his brother was in charge of the creative side of the company. While almost everyone knows who Walt Disney is not nearly as many people know about Roy Oliver Disney.

Roy served in the U.S. Navy from 1917 to 1919 and was discharged after contracting tuberculosis. After the navy, he and his brother started Walt Disney Productions. He became the first CEO in 1929. However, he was not given the official title until 1968.

Today Disney is one of the largest and most powerful companies in the world. Disney owns ABC, ESPN, Lucas films, and many other businesses and networks.

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2014-06-04Meet the Author

Scott Franklin is a student at Schoolcraft College

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