December 16: The Great Fire of 1835

2014-12-16bOn 16 December 1835, a disastrous fire occurred in New York City. This fire resulted in serious amount of damage to most of New York City. It is famously known as, The Great Fire of 1835. Indeed, this fire was a curse for the city, but at the same time it was blessing for New York City’s future.

It started from a warehouse on Merchant Street. A single fire ignition was responsible for the two days process fire, demolishing over seven-hundred buildings in New York City. New York City is known for being a crowded city. Who would have thought this would be the reason the city would be destroyed? Dye to the fact that it is so crowded, the fire was easily spread. The firefighters had a hard time putting the fire off. They had to use water from the East river, New York was going through winter, so the rivers were mostly frozen. Firefighters in Philadelphia spotted the fire from far away, the department the rushed offering help.

The fire wrecked the old colonial city, which survived the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. A painter who witnessed the fire, named Nicolino Caylo, visited the city two days before the fire. He used his artistic hands to paint the image of the fire; his paintings are now in several museums in New York City.

The Great Fire was a wakeup alarm for all of New York. The entire fire department was reconstructed in order to prevent future fire ignition from spreading. Also the government provided the city with a water supplies system.

–Ali El Hariri
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Photo Credit: Nicolino Calyo‘s painting of the Great Fire of 1835.

2014-12-16Meet the Author

I am a student at Schoolcraft College studying Mechanical Engineering. I plan to transfer to Wayne State University.

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