November 2: Two New States Admitted to Union
On 2 November 1889, North and South Dakota became states.
If you want to be in the middle of things, North and South Dakota, USA, is the place to be. To be more precise, Ruby, North Dakota……..the geographical center of North America. Not that Thomas Jefferson knew this when he added this piece of real estate as part of the Louisiana Purchase in 1803. Nor did President Benjamin Harris, when he signed the paperwork for the Dakota Territory to join the Union as the states of North and South Dakota on November 2, 1889.
In 1889, during the United States’ march west, as part of its “manifest destin,” there were 38 states. North and South Dakota were admitted as numbers 39 and 40. But only the secretary of state at the time, James Blaine, knew for sure which state came in as #39, and which as #40. He shuffled their order when he handed the papers to President Harris to sign to insure secrecy. In the official order of things, North Dakota owns 39, South Dakota 40; by virtue of the alphabet.
The motivation for the Dakota Territory to take its place in the Union may have been two-fold. The governor of the Dakota Territories moved the capital from Yankton to Bismarck, what is now the capital of North Dakota. The residents of the territory had no say in this shift since they were not a state.
The population centers of the territories became set in opposite corners several hundred miles from each other. The Republicans saw the advantage to dividing the area into two parts as this would add to their political power in the Senate.
–Rainy McCune
Meet the Author
I plan on attending either Farris State University or Central Michigan University after my time at Schoolcraft College. I am majoring in Art Education and I want to teach high school art. Some of my interests include, playing basketball and softball and also drawing and painting.
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